Nearly half of all Cyber attacks are on small businesses
Two Thirds of companies aren’t prepared to detect or block most Cyber attacks
The average data breach involves nearly $900,000 of lost assets
One fifth of companies lost customers as a result of a breach
Over half of all small businesses breached are out of business in six months
What is CCPA
The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) introduces new rights for California residents – forcing companies that conduct business in the State of California to implement structural changes to their privacy programs or face non-compliance. The CCPA will take effect on January 1, 2020.
If your company (or your parent company or a subsidiary) exceed at least one of the three thresholds CCPA Will apply:
If your annual gross revenue is at least $25 million
If you obtain personal information from at least 50,000 CA residents, households, and /or devices per year
At least 50% of your annual revenue is generated from selling CA residents’ personal data and information
Non-compliance with the CCPA puts you at risk of huge fines. We can expect the Attorney General to initiate a civil case against companies if they remain non-compliant after 30 days upon being notified about any related issues. This brings a risk of being fined up to $7500 per violation.
It means that if you violate the CCPA-guaranteed rights of 1,000 users, you might receive a fine of up to $7.500.000 in total ($7500×1000 users).
Transfer your risk with cyber insurance. Not all cyber insurance policies will address the risks CCPA compliance poses. Make sure your policy includes coverage for:
Compensation claims, that can arise from class action lawsuits.
PR costs incurred to mitigate the impact of a data breach and/or CCPA non-compliance.
Fines imposed by regulators (where insurable by law).
Legal fees from a regulatory investigation.
Costs incurred from deploying seasoned breach response teams in crisis.
We are proud to offer specialty Cyber Insurance for hospitals. These policies cover Bodily Injury, where general Cyber Insurance polices would not. Medical Cyber would also cover HIPAA corrective actions, as well as lost Medicaid and Medicare reimbursements. Extensive Cyber crime is covered by these polices as well, including third party payment crimes, electronic theft, phishing and wire transfer fraud. Technical errors and omission as well as court attendance costs can also be added to these policies.
Please email Brett Fulmer at brett@NPBIC.com for more info, and a Medical Cyber policy summary.